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The Wellness Home Checklist Download Cover


Beauty, Health and Joy in Your Home!

Yep, Wellness Design is officially a 'thing'.

I'm Shiree', interior designer and wellness expert. I create beautiful, restful interiors for women who value their home and health.

Get The Wellness Home Check List, my at-a-glance list that helps you live a healthy and more joyful life in your home!

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The Wellness Home Check List

Your home has all the power of the ocean! It can elevate your mood, energize or relax you but most importantly it can support a healthier, happier, more balanced life.

This is what Wellness Design is all about: feeling 'healthy', happy and more balanced in your home.

The Wellness Home Check List gives you at-a-glance wellness design features with easy tips and inspiration for using them in your own home such as ...

  • Soothing colors and textures.
  • Ways to beautify, optimize and add more joy to your rooms.
  • Non-toxic flooring and counter choices.
  • Better air quality and ventilation.
  • Ways to bring the healing power of nature indoors.
  • The latest in home technology, and more.
Send me the check list!

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Exclusive Design and Wellness How to's You Won’t See Anywhere Else!


Interior design just got a whole lot more fun. It's easy too, with my tips, tricks and special methods I create to help you live a beautiful, healthy and joyful life in your home.


Choosing optimal foods and exercise, developing better sleep and downtime habits, and learning how to reconnect with yourself and loved ones so you live your best life ever.

Mindset Tools

From scheduling tricks and tips to secret design and wellness hacks to keeping agreements with yourself, I give you my best needle movers so you know your efforts will produce real results.

Wellness Design

Huh? I know, right? Wellness Design is a thing! Learn the things you need to know for aging in place, bringing nature indoors, choosing non-toxic products and more so you can live clean and healthy in your home!

Subscribe today and get my FREE Wellness Home Check List!

Yes please!


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